D-Day is Coming :)

With only 11 days left until my due date, the BIG DAY is coming! :)

Though the pregnancy has been extremely easy, I think it's time for it to come to an end. We are ready to meet our son.

We are now at the - 'wait, did we forget something' stage. Did I make sure to wash all of his clothes, did we pack phone chargers in the bag and finally is the car seat all in check? This list never seems to stop, my mind has not stopped running for the last two weeks! Did I do this, do I need to rearrange his drawers again, YES I did say AGAIN :)

Did I clean his ceiling fan? Did I vacuum his closet? - Yes, I am that clean freak. Those that know me know that I get it honest. I had a list a mile long of things I wanted to do before the little man appeared. It started with wiping down the wood work in the whole house and went on to shampooing carpets, washing windows, cleaning ceiling fans, washing doors, rearranging closets to cabinets, trust me it went ON and ON :) BUT in one day I did all but pull out the appliances! Did it kick my ass? Yes most defintely but that might have been the only night I slept through the night without getting up for a bathroom break in 9 months HA!

Does everyone feel the need to clean this deep before and baby, probably not but I did and I can't wait to bring the little man home to a clean house and just enjoy his presence!

This weekend I have planned to stock up on freezer meals, that's IF I don't go into labor :)

I can't wait to share the pictures when our son arrives! Stay tuned for the announcement of his arrival!


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